Each and every single day out of the year that they arrive for work, the employees who work for Rochester web design firms and Rochester web development firms must be prepared to answer dozens upon dozens of complicated questions about computers and email hosting. Some of these questions are extremely dense and they tax the computers experts ability to provide easy to understand answers which will keep their customers happy.
For example, many customers ask these computers experts questions about what exactly their email hosting providers can accomplish. These customers have noticed these programs that are installed onto their computers, and they have heard their bosses and supervisors talking about these email hosting providers around the water coolers at work, but in spite of all of that, they know almost nothing about what these devices can accomplish. When they hear these questions, the computers experts respond that these email hosting providers can archive emails, which allows administrators, auditors, and other users to access older messages.
Another one of the most common questions which is fielded to these computers experts concerns the industry standard for encryption in mail servers. Many of these customers have heard their tech guys talk about encryption for mail servers, but they have never bothered to approach these people to ask them about the industry standard for mail servers or what exactly that would mean for them. When they hear these questions, the computers experts tell their customers that the industry standard consists of 128 bit encryption. This means that any data which passes through the server during any given user’s session will remain so secure that even government computers would not be able to hack into it.
Another one of the most popular questions which is fielded to these computers experts concerns quality email hosting services. Many of these customers work for large corporations which pride themselves on their ability to be able to afford to purchase only the best pieces of technology. Furthermore, more of these customers are specifically asked by their bosses to purchase quality email hosting services. However, these customers do not know what to look for. When they hear these questions, they computers experts respond that they should seek out email hosting services which black spam mail and emails which contain viruses; this will keep their company’s information and their infrastructure safe from hackers who seek to cause them harm.
Other customers approach these computers experts with questions about the history of the internet. These customers have heard a variety of conflicting information about the history of the internet that they want the computers experts to set straight. When they hear these questions, the experts respond that the the ancestor of the modern Internet, which was called ARPANET, first defined the protocols that would allow different computers to send messages to one another; this happened in 1971. Seven years later on May 3, 1978, computer experts sent out the very first piece of spam mail in order to advertise a new computer system. It reached more than 600 users who had ARPANET accounts; computer hackers had manually entered their email addresses from a printed document.
Do you guys have any thoughts about these computer facts?
5 responses to “Computer Experts Answer Questions about Computers”
Computers sure can be complicated sometimes. I am glad that I know a few computers experts who can answer all of my questions about computers.
Computers sure can be complicated sometimes. I am glad that I know a few computers experts who can answer all of my questions about computers.
Computers sure can be complicated sometimes. I am glad that I know a few computers experts who can answer all of my questions about computers.
Computers sure can be complicated sometimes. I am glad that I know a few computers experts who can answer all of my questions about computers.
Computers sure can be complicated sometimes. I am glad that I know a few computers experts who can answer all of my questions about computers.