How do Insurance Companies Make Their Money? – Auto Insurance Site

The sum of money paid to claimants is lower than the amount of costs that are paid. Insurance companies use premiums for extra income. This subject is explained in greater detail in the video. The video is well worth the time! Here are two different ways by how insurance companies can earn profit:
1. The Float

The term “float” refers to the value in dollars of the policies which have been issued however have not yet been reimbursed in claims. The length of time between when a policy is purchased and when it is expected to be paid is known as. The company’s float is determined through the duration of the period of time. Most insurance policies have an initial term of one year. Certain life insurance policies might have terms of 20 years or longer. Insurance companies earn interest on those funds while they retain it , before they pay out claims.

2. Investment gains

Additionally, in addition to the earnings on premiums which are kept in the float, insurers are also able to earn profits by placing the funds into the form of mortgages, bonds, stocks, and real estate investments including commercial and shopping malls. Contact home for more details.


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