Did you know that more than 40% of all first marriages in the United States end in divorce? In addition, four divorces are filed every minute in the United States. Although divorce is common, not all troubled marriages have to end in divorce. In fact, marriage counseling is available to help couples rekindle their love, and this could dissuade them from getting divorced.
Marriage counseling is the process of helping married couples manage or reconcile their troubles and differences. In order to accomplish this, couples are given the opportunity to understand the wants and needs of one another. Additionally, marriage counseling allows couples to work on their listening, communication, and problem-solving abilities. By learning and developing these skills, couples are given the tools they need to save their marriages.
Does marriage counseling help? The theory behind marriage counseling sounds compelling, but does it actually work? According to the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, nearly half of married couples see significant improvement after they receive 26 weeks of marriage counseling.
If you need marriage counseling, it is important to find marriage counseling advice that is right for you. Many marriage family therapy programs are different, though, so you must find a therapist who offers everything you need. By doing so, your counseling sessions will become more helpful and rewarding.
Since the average divorce proceeding lasts for one year, many couples attempt to solve their problems with counseling. But does marriage counseling help? Marriage counseling allows couples to improve the essential skills they need to live happily with one another, and this helps increase their chances of staying together. Although marriage counseling does not have a 100% success rate, it is still a helpful way to prevent divorce. More can be found here.