If your life depended on it, would you be able to tell me what leveling feet are? Okay, so your life will never depend on it, but would you be able to tell me anyway? You enjoy the benefits of leveling feet on a daily basis, you might as well learn what they are and what they do. And while you are at it, learn about a few other things to expand your working knowledge of useful hardware that is often overlooked.
- Leveling Feet
- Screw Cover Caps
- Threaded Standoffs
As mentioned about, leveling feet are found in your everyday life, in many locations. Look at the tiny little feet holding up each corner of your desk. If you pick up the corner, taking the weight from the foot, you will see that the foot is actually on the end of a threaded bolt that can be screwed further into or out of the body of the desk. This allows you to raise or lower that corner of the desk very precisely, until the entire surface is levelled out. If you ever get a table at a restaurant that wobbles horribly, it is because someone has not levelled the feet on the bottom.
These can be both aesthetic or practical. If you have ever gotten one of those particle board bookshelves that you have put together on your own, you will have used one. After you screw the shelf in from the outside, they usually provide you a little plastic insert that goes into the screw hole and locks into the Philips bit of the screw head. This is to hide the unsightly hole in the side of the bookshelf.
It can also be a larger cover that fits over the top of a screw head, with a top that snaps open and closed. This is used to protect the screw head from accumulating any debris in the part where the bit fits in. They even make them with UV protection, to further ensure that the integrity and longevity of the screw is maintained for ease of use and safety purposes.
These guys can range in sizes, some so small that they work for motherboards in computers, others big enough to hold up significantly sized pieces of machinery. A threaded standoff is a cylinder of metal, or ceramic in some cases, that has two opposite directions of threading on the inside, one on either end. They are screwed onto the end of a bolt on one end, and then another bolt on the other end, and are used to separate two pieces of virtually anything. The space in between can be for heating and ventilation purposes, or to provide the pieces enough room to maneuver, depending on what they are connected to.
You could probably look around the room you are in right now and find at least one example of each of these. They are everywhere, yet lost in the fray of more important things. Just learn to recognize the little pieces around you more regularly. That knowledge may come in handy. Visit here for more information.