87 percent of blackberry users, as opposed to 63 percent of other smartphone users, access the internet daily using their mobile device. And Blackberry is known as the leader for enterprise mobile computing, while its competitors focus more on the consumer side. But only two thirds of employees who use a personal mobile device at work say that their company’s data is encrypted and secure. Using a mobile device for work may require help from a blackberry mobile device management provider. But a proactive Bring Your Own Device Policy can be something as simple as keeping the device locked and using a secure password.
Did you know that almost half of all companies that allow their employees to use their own devices for work suffer a security breach? This is why having a Blackberry Enterprise Server policy or a BES policy is a good idea for blackberry mobile device management. Blackberry users access the internet with their mobile devices much more than smartphone users do, 87 percent as opposed to 63 percent. And 70 percent of smartphone users check their work email outside of normal business hours.
A Bes security policy can go a long way toward relieving much of the stress of blackberry mobile device management. One third of employees who use a personal mobile device for work believe that their company’s data is neither encrypted nor secure. But blackberry mobile device management is not only important for security. It is important for managing and securing data and passwords and can also be used for installing Apps.
Blackberry mobile device management can be provided over a cloud, which offers a secure and convenient approach for getting things done. It is for this reason that the demand for it will probably continue to arise. We might be living in an era where people bring their own devices to work, but that does not mean that this data has to be any less secure.