Before you begin to lay pavers. Before you begin, it is important to make sure your base is cleared and leveled. Before you are able to lay pavers you will need to prepare your base.
Brick paver patios can be constructed patios by yourself. But, if you’re new to this area, it is best to consult someone who is experienced.
After your pavers have been delivered or delivered to you You can begin putting your stakes at the corners of your foundation and set down paver restraints along the edges. Take measurements of the length of your edges and then align the pavers in a way that they’re sized equally. It is now time to put down your sandy area.
Remove the pavers along the edge and start building and leveling sand into your base. There is enough sand needed for the pavers to be laid neatly and also to make sure that your surface is level throughout.
It’s almost done when your patio is completely level. Now you can use some of the dirt the foundation was dug up for covering the edges of the patio where your restraints have been exposed. If they aren’t clean it is possible to wash the pavers in water, or remove them with a sweeping.
Finally, you can use a plate compressor to press all of the pavers. Then, you can add sand around the joints. Completely cover the patio. 6dv71otwbn.