Did you know that in 19th century Europe, only the master and mistress of a household used chairs while servants and lower social classes were expected to sit on the floor? Or that their bed frames had simple low head boards, and low turned posts? Naturally, this has all gone out of vogue, as contemporary dining room sets show. Nowadays, people look for efficiency, value and aesthetics when they invest in furniture, which is a booming industry. In fact, each year, an average of 16.5 million chairs are purchased in the United States, while the retail furniture industry employs an estimated 281,515 people!
But what makes contemporary dining room sets modern? Is it their visual appearance? The fact that they utilize the latest factorial technology? Do you know what it is that makes contemporary dining room sets, well, contemporary?
Modern furniture, a popular kind of contemporary furniture, was influenced by the artistic movement called modernism. Leaving old furniture designs of dark or gilded carved wood with richly patterned fabrics, these contemporary dining room sets utilize the shining, geometric simplicity of polished metal. Now, contemporary dining room sets are visually light, rather than visually heavy like formal dining room sets.
Modern furniture, like contemporary dining room sets, are made to efficiently occupy a small amount of space. It’s light, and made from a variety of materials, which makes it more affordable. Light colored woods like Pine are also extensively used when making modern furniture. Contemporary dining room sets are brighter, and lighter than traditional, formal dining room chairs.
Whether it be energy efficient appliances, like Whirlpool double ovens or Maytag electric ovens that can shave off some of the average $134 spent on energy consumed by electric ovens, or whether it be spatially conscious, Americans desire efficiency. If you have any questions about what makes contemporary dining room sets modern, feel free to ask in the comments! Continue reading here.