Did you know that, by 2015, experts estimate that people around the world will be spending as much as $119 billion on mobile sites? Smartphones, tablets, and iPad sales are soaring, and companies need to tailor websites for cross platform compatibility. Consumers are likely to ignore websites that are difficult to read on mobile devices, or cannot be read on mobile devices, and company sales will suffer for it. How can companies make sure that they retain customers, and stay up to speed?
Consider a Web Design Firm
What is web design? Web design is actually a pretty broad term, and can entail interface design, authoring, user experience, SEO, and graphic design. Businesses with limited time may want to consider a web design firm, or ask about budget web design. Web design, including “interface design,” directly addresses cross platform compatibility, and can make sure that the 50% of Americans using smartphones (according to The American Life Project and Pew Internet) will have no trouble viewing, and navigating, your mobile webpage.
Take Advantage of Low Cost Web Design
Outsourced web design, including web design websites, can be purchased on a tight budget. Web design can be affordable, and it is an investment in long term company goals. Why? More than a third of smartphone and mobile device owners become frustrated with poorly optimized mobile websites. Plus, a mere 26% of smaller companies have mobile webpages. Investing in professional mobile web design leads to higher customer satisfaction, and that can give your company an edge over the competition.
Mobile device sales are only rising, and companies lacking mobile sites, or with poorly designed mobile sites, are going to lose customers, and sales. Getting help from a web design firm, or web design websites, and using low costs plans to get one up on the competition, is likely to have long term rewards. Reference links.
One response to “Have a Mobile Website? Why Your Answer Matters More than Ever”
i love a lot of games that are only on cds, so this makes me sad to admit, but i think in a couple of years or so we’ll be looking at ONLY mobile devices. it’s not just iPads anymore, PC competitors are coming out with their tablets, too