Search Engine Optimization is for Your Business

Seo consultants atlanta

If your business is not search engine optimized, and you find yourself with no time in which to do it, then you could be in big trouble. Good thing there is a search engine optimization service out there to help you with it. You want one of these SEO companies in Atlanta GA, because they are a search engine optimization expert with search engine optimization service. And searches are important for everything on the internet.

A study by comScore qSearch has found that there are 58.8 billion internet searches performed each year. That equals out to 4.9 billion a month, and even 1,890 every single second. Of all of those searches (so many searches!), $22 are earned for every one spent (a $21 net gain!), so that is why you want to employ a search engine optimization service in order to make yourself more easily searchable. And it is not just beneficial to get your website recognized by the search engines. You want to be number one. Almost half of all internet searchers (42 percent ) will only end up clicking on the number one ranking search result.

Another way to get your business recognized on the web, a way to sort of bypass the top search location, is via Pay Per Click Advertising. A company known as Overture, formerly known as, is given credit for developing the concept for pay per click advertising in 1998. And then the Adwords pay per click model, the one that we see on every web page we go to, was introduced two years after the turn of the millennium.

This pay per click advertising is when Person A puts his ad on the side of Person B’s website. Person A never pays a single penny for this opportunity unless his ad is then clicked on by the people visiting Person B’s site. Person A only pays for each click. Hence, pay per click. This is a cheap way to get your ad out there, and does not require a whole lot of investment, as you only pay for the results. The only difficult part is that most of the big sites, those who get all the traffic, will only allow ads from companies that will help to generate more traffic. So, if you have no strong and prominent presence on the internet, it will be incredibly difficult for you to get onto a site that will have a great deal of traffic, therefore granting you even more traffic and exposure. It is something of a vicious cycle, but if you can somehow get onto a bigger, more highly trafficked site, then you are in for a good boost in traffic to your site, just by sure inundation of numbers. For more information see this.

7 responses to “Search Engine Optimization is for Your Business”

  1. if a business does not realize how important it is, it is too late for them by the time it is evident that they need to enact SEO to up their ranks. by then they have already been passed over and forgotten too many times to recover

  2. not true at all. trends change all the time. Google changes its search algorithm fairly often, enough to make it worth putting in the effort.

  3. not true at all. trends change all the time. Google changes its search algorithm fairly often, enough to make it worth putting in the effort.

  4. not true at all. trends change all the time. Google changes its search algorithm fairly often, enough to make it worth putting in the effort.

  5. not true at all. trends change all the time. Google changes its search algorithm fairly often, enough to make it worth putting in the effort.

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